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Leader Schumer, Senators Merkley and Klobuchar Announce Legislation To Renew Democracy, Take Big Money Out Of Politics And Stop Washington Corruption Will Be First Bill Introduced By Democratic Senate Majority

Schumer, Merkley, And Klobuchar Will Introduce The For the People Act As S. 1 The For The People Act Will Expand Access To The Ballot, End The Reign Of Big Money, Tackle Corruption And Restore American Democracy Senate Democrats Announce Strengthening Our Democracy Will Be A Top Priority In The New Democratic-Led Senate

Washington, D.C.— Incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and incoming Chair of the Senate Rules Committee Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) announced today that the Senate Democratic majority’s first bill in the new Congress will be the For The People Act, comprehensive legislation to strengthen and reform our democracy.  

The For The People Act is a sweeping package of pro-democracy reforms, taking urgent and long overdue steps to renew our democracy by making it easier for all eligible Americans to vote; ending the dominance of big, dark money in politics; and ensuring that public officials work in the public interest – all reforms that the American people overwhelmingly support.

“From a violent insurrection at the Capitol to the countless attempts to silence the vote of millions of Americans, attacks on our democracy have come in many forms,” said Leader Schumer. “Senate Democrats are committed to advancing real solutions and fighting to uphold the core tenets of our constitution, which is why we are announcing today that the first bill of the new Congress will be the For the People Act. This legislation will bring about long-needed democracy reforms that will ensure that government is finally able to respond to the pressing needs of the American people. Anyone who believes in a government by the people and for the people should support this important legislation.”

“We have all been reminded in the starkest terms that government of the people, by the people, and for the people is not guaranteed,” said Senator Merkley, the lead Senate sponsor of the For the People Act. “A violent assault on the Capitol is not the only way to attack democracy. Everyone who believes in our Constitutional vision should support reforms that make sure the American people are able to vote and that their government reflects their preferences and works for them.”

“As the incoming Chair of the Rules Committee, which has jurisdiction over federal elections, a number one priority will be to make voting easier and more secure and to halt the flood of special interest and dark money that is drowning out the voices of the American people,” said Senator Klobuchar. “I am proud to introduce this legislation with my colleagues as the first bill in the new Democratic-led Senate.”

Senate Democrats are committed to fighting the corruption that has prevented Washington from addressing the pressing needs of the American people and restoring the democratic values that have guided our nation for over 200 years.  In the last Congress, the For the People Act languished in Republican Leader Mitch McConnell’s legislative graveyard for two years.

Some key endorsements of the For the People Act include End Citizens United/Let America Vote, Democracy 21, Center for American Progress, People for the American Way, Brady, Sierra Club, Public Citizen, League of Women Voters, Brennan Center for Justice, National Council of Jewish Women, The Center for Popular Democracy, Communications Workers of America, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Common Cause, Indivisible, American Federation of Teachers and the League of Conservation Voters. A comprehensive list of endorsements can be found here.

A section-by-section summary of the For The People Act can be found here.
