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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Ahead of President Biden Signing The Ocean Shipping Reform Act Into Law To Relieve Supply Chains and Lower Costs

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor ahead of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act being signed into law by President Biden later today. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Today is an important day: President Biden will sign the Ocean Shipping Reform Act into law.

Shipping reform is exactly the kind of bill that can made a difference to the American people: it fights inflation, it relieves our supply chains, it will help small businesses and consumers alike. Our ports need help. The cost of sending a container across the Pacific Ocean is up a thousand percent. Who pays that? The consumer and the American exporter. Our ports need help. Our supply chains need relief. With today’s signing, we can now say help is on the way.

I thank President Biden for signing this bill quickly, I thank my colleagues Senators Klobuchar, Thune, and Cantwell for their leadership in the Senate. I thank Speaker Pelosi and my House colleagues for approving this bill earlier this week. And I'd say to our friends in the media, know this has been bipartisan, there hasn't been conflict, but it's important. Please pay some attention to it. Things are getting done to deal with the scourge of inflation.
