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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Announcing Senate Vote On Legislation To Replenish The DOJ Crime Victims Fund

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the Senate voting on a desperately needed fix to the Victims of Crimes Act tomorrow. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Tomorrow, the Senate will take up a desperately-needed fix to the Victims of Crimes Act. Survivors of violent crime often bear tremendous financial hardship: everything from medical costs to emergency housing to legal fees and mental health services.

After suffering a violent crime, the last thing Americans should have to worry about is being unable to afford the basic services they need to stitch their lives back together.

So for over 35 years, the Justice Department’s Crime Victims Fund has provided assistance to Americans impacted by violent crime such as domestic abuse, sexual assault, human trafficking, DUIs, and other horrific crimes.

Traditionally, most of the funding came from penalties paid through federal convictions. But over time, revenue to the fund has shrunk dramatically. Compared to five years ago, next year the Victims of Crime fund could fall to less than one-twentieth—one-twentieth—of its former size.

So tomorrow, the Senate will vote on a measure to replenish the Victim of Crimes Fund and ensure that it remains stable for the foreseeable future. This legislation passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support, and here in the Senate, it has at least 63 co-sponsors.

The legislation ought to sail through the Senate tomorrow.

The survivors of violent crimes deserve the peace of mind that they do not bear the burden of recovering from their trauma alone.
