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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Commemorating Vice President Harris’s Historic Tie-Breaking Vote In The Senate

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on Vice President Harris casting her 32nd tie-breaking vote in the Senate, the most ever cast by a Vice President. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks:

Today is historic. Vice President Harris has just cast her 32nd tie-breaking vote, the most tie-breakers ever. I join all of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle thanking the Vice President for her leadership and for making the work of the Senate possible.

The record Vice President Harris sets today is significant not just because of the number, but because of what she’s made possible with tie-breaking votes.

Without her tie-breaking votes, there would be no American Rescue Plan, no Inflation Reduction Act, and we would not have confirmed many of the excellent federal judges now presiding on the bench. Every time duty has called, Vice President Harris has answered – more than any other vice president in our nation’s long and storied history.

Today, I also want to thank the Vice President for doing all this while juggling the immense responsibilities of her office. She’s led the charge on protecting freedom of choice, she’s fought for climate justice, criminal justice reform, commonsense gun safety. Our children will live in a healthier, more secure, more prosperous nation thanks to her lifetime of service. So, thank you Vice President Harris. This is a great milestone, and yours is even a greater legacy. Let us continue working together to make life better for all Americans.
