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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Denouncing Former President Donald Trump’s Call For “Termination” Of The U.S. Constitution

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor denouncing Former President Trump’s call for “termination” of the U.S. Constitution and demanded Republicans condemn these attacks. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Donald Trump cannot seem to go a week without doing or saying something disgusting, dishonorable, and disqualifying for high office.

Two weeks ago, it was a dinner with a pair of loathful antisemites—which to this day he has not denounced. He says, well, I didn’t know that one of these men – Fuentes – was coming. He still hasn’t denounced him, now that he knows he was there.

On Friday, he took his vile rhetoric to a new and horrible nadir when he called for the “termination” of the Constitution of the United States, because he lost the 2020 election.

Aside from the pettiness and the ego of that, it’s as if Donald Trump is on a mission to find new ways to sink lower and lower, to the detriment of America. How can anyone hope to take the presidential oath of office—to preserve and protect the Constitution—while simultaneously calling for the Constitution’s termination? It’s wholly disqualifying on its face. 

And now that Donald Trump is being rightfully criticized for attacking the Constitution, his response is to double down and deny he ever did so in the first place, rather than have the decency to own up to it.

I’m glad some Republicans seem increasingly willing to condemn Trump’s lunacy, but we need more voices filling the silence. We need nothing less than an avalanche of condemnation from Republicans but sadly all we’ve gotten so far are just a few flurries here and there.

Republicans need to speak up because if America doesn’t extricate itself from Donald Trump and his MAGA ideology, it could undercut our American way of life. This isn’t a partisan scuffle: when a former president calls for the termination of the U.S. Constitution, there can be no silence, no equivocation, nothing less than total and fierce condemnation.

So to my Republican colleagues: enough is enough. Reject MAGA, reject Trump, and condemn these awful attacks on the U.S. Constitution. 

