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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Echoing President Herzog’s Call For Compromise Following The Suspension Of Changes To The Israeli Judicial System Proposed By Prime Minister Netanyahu

Washington, D.C.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor echoing President Herzog’s call for compromise following the announcement that Prime Minister Netanyahu will suspend his push to change the Israeli judicial system. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

I welcome the news that the judicial legislation proposed by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government have been suspended.  

The bond between the United States and Israel is rooted in our shared democratic values and fealty to the rule of law. When I was in Israel four weeks ago, I shared that message directly with the Prime Minister. 

I echo the call of President Herzog to find a compromise. It is a good step that the legislation has been put on hold and I strongly urge Israeli leaders, I urge Prime Minister Netanyahu: come to a compromise before pushing forward again. Issac “Bushi” Herzog has the trust of all parties and is the right person to come up with a compromise. I urge both sides to work with him and at a time when Israel faces real dangers—particularly from Iran—the last thing Israel needs is divisiveness at home. Let us hope they can come to a compromise.
