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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Following Senate Passage Of The NOTAM Improvement Act

Washington, D.C.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor highlighting the importance of the NOTAM Improvement Act, which unanimously passed the Senate. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks.

A few moments ago, the Senate unanimously passed the NOTAM Improvement Act, requiring the FAA to look into the resiliency and cybersecurity of the “Notice to Air Missions system”, which is critical for alerting pilots of danger when flying.

Nobody – nobody – wants a repeat of the chaos and delay we saw at our airports back in January when FAA’s NOTAM system went down.

This legislation will get the FAA to take a hard look under the hood of NOTAM to ensure it’s as safe, as reliable, and as well-protected from cyber-attacks and technical glitches as possible.

I want to thank my colleagues who worked hard on this:  Senator Klobuchar, the leader sponsor, Senator Capito, and Senator Moran for their work on this legislation. And of course, I thank Senator Cantwell, chair of the Commerce Committee, for her good work on this as well. She gets a lot done.
