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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Continued Progress On Bipartisan Gun Safety Legislation

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding continued progress towards passing bipartisan gun safety legislation. Senator Schumer stated he is ready to make bipartisan gun safety legislation the next legislative matter considered by the Senate once legislative text is ready. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

This week, the Senate is making progress on a subject that has frustrated this chamber for decades: meaningful gun safety legislation.

Last night, I spoke with Senator Murphy on the latest round of bipartisan negotiations. Both sides met well into the evening, and will be meeting again this afternoon. The work is not finished—and no one will pretend that this has been easy—but both parties are still working towards a final product.

I urge both sides to keep going at it, this is so important to the American people. I am hopeful they will come to an agreement on bill text soon.

Once we have the language for a gun safety bill, I am prepared to make it the next legislative matter considered on the Senate floor. We want to move quickly and decisively to make sure we don’t let this opportunity slip away.

Just a month ago, few could have predicted that this chamber would make as much progress as we have on a gun safety compromise.

Given our recent history, it is hard to blame Americans who feel hopeless that change can happen on this issue.

But that’s why you never give up, never give up, even after facing so many disappointments. No matter how many times gridlock has taken hold in the past, survivors of gun violence and gun safety advocates, people who’ve lost loved ones, children, have fought and fought, and fought—they have visited our office every year many times—have kept pushing for change.

Because of them, we are closer to real progress than we have been in a long, long time.

The work is not done, but I remain hopeful that we are going to get it done.

And I want to thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for continuing their work towards a compromise.
