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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Final Senate Passage Of The National Security Supplemental

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor ahead of the final passage of the national security supplemental aid package. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Tonight, after more than six months of hard work and many twists and turns on the road, America sends a message to the entire world: we will not turn our back on you.

Tonight we tell our allies: we stand with you. We tell our adversaries: don’t mess with us. We tell the world: the United States will do everything to safeguard democracy and our way of life.

This bill is one of the most consequential measures Congress has passed in years to protect America’s security and the future – the very future – of Western Democracy. And after overcoming a lot of opposition, tonight Congress finishes the job.

To our friends in Ukraine, to our friends in Israel, to our friends in the Indo-Pacific, and to innocent civilians caught in the midst of war from Gaza to Sudan: America hears you and will be there for you.

And to the whole world: rest assured – rest assured – America will never shrink from its responsibilities as a leader on the world stage. Tonight, we make Vladimir Putin regret the day he questioned American resolve. 

I thank President Biden for his unflinching leadership. I thank Speaker Johnson and Leader Jeffries for working together valiantly to pass this bill. I thank Chair Murray and Vice Chair Collins for their excellent work. And I particularly want to thank my caucus for standing firm. We were always united, we gave our strength to get this job done, I salute you.

And particularly, I want to thank Leader McConnell. We worked on this bill arm-and-arm, together shoulder-to-shoulder. Without that kind of strong bipartisan leadership, this difficult bill would never have passed.

We come now to the end of a long and difficult and herculean effort. Our allies around the world have been watching Congress for the last six months and wondered the same thing: when it matters most, will America summon the strength to come together, overcome the centrifugal pull of partisanship, and meet the magnitude of this moment?

Tonight, under the watchful eye of history, the Senate answers this question with a thunderous and resounding yes.
