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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Continuing To Push The Dangerous Racist And Debunked Replacement Theory That Motivated The Buffalo Shooter

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on Tucker Carlson continuing to spew dangerous rhetoric on Fox News, including the Great Replacement Theory that motivated the Buffalo shooter. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Last night, Fox News Host Tucker Carlson began his primetime show with another deranged rant on the conspiracy theory known as the great replacement.

This racist theory—which asserts that a conspiracy exists to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color—motivated a white supremacist to gun down ten black Americans at a grocery store in my home state of New York in Buffalo just over two months ago.

Here is what Mr. Carlson said last night, among many deranged things – these are his words: “Sometimes around 1965, our leaders stopped trying to make the United States a hospitable place for American citizens, their constituents, to have their own families… They just imported new people. That's literally what happened.”

Can you believe someone said that on a national network? And the network does nothing about it?

There is only one way to describe what Mr. Carlson is doing: he is stoking racial resentment among his viewers. It is deranged. It is dangerous. It is racist.

Not long ago, views like replacement theory were only found in the darkest places in disturbed minds.

Now someone as prominent as Mr. Carlson is spreading night after night to an audience that often tops three million viewers.

And it’s not an isolated incident. According to one measure by the New York Times, Mr. Carlson has spewed rhetoric that echoes replacement theory at least 400 times on his show since 2016. Four hundred times. The is not a one-off, what he did last night.

The more that MAGA radicals like Carlson spread replacement theory, it is not out of the question that racially-motivated violence will further ignite the country. Fox News should be ashamed that they’re enabling these racist views and giving them an enormous platform on their network.

It is dangerous and un-American for one of the biggest news networks in the world to amplify conspiracy theories that are eerily similar to those cited by the Buffalo shooter.

I urge Carlson to stop spreading replacement theory, or else risk seeing more tragedies like the one we saw in Buffalo last month.
