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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Hurricane Ian

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on supporting our fellow Americans in the state of Florida following the catastrophic destruction of Hurricane Ian. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks: 

This morning, the thoughts of everyone in the Senate are with the people of Florida, who are in the midst of one of the worst storms ever to hit the state as Hurricane Ian made landfall yesterday.

Ian made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane, with wind speeds reaching 150 mph, storm surges reaching reported heights of 18 feet. About two million people are now without power, and communities that dot the coastline are seeing three to four feet of flooding.

Thankfully, Ian was downgraded to a tropical storm this morning, but the damage has already been severe and the road to recovery will be long. I will continue to monitor the situation in Florida over the coming days, and the Senate stands ready to help Floridians with whatever they need to stay safe and rebuild their communities.

I want to thank all the first responders, national guardsmen and women, local officials, volunteers, and every single person who placed themselves in harm’s way to keep their communities safe.
