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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Making Progress On President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda

Washington D.C.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding Democrats making progress with efforts to move forward with President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

For decades now, millions of families in this country have found the basic American promise—that if you work hard, then you can have a better life for yourself and your loved ones—the proverbial American Dream—Americans have found it is getting harder to reach. That is what creates a sourness in the land. The sunny optimism, so crucial to our identity, has receded away from view.

Democrats have promised to do something about it. When Senate Democrats secured our majority this year, we committed to delivering on the trust that the American people placed in us and to respond to the challenge of our times.

That’s why we immediately set to work and passed the American Rescue Plan, to propel our economy out of the crisis of COVID.

And that’s been the driving force behind our efforts to make President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda into law.

Last night, I continued my discussions with Speaker Pelosi and President Biden as we work to an agreement on legislation we can bring to the floor.

I know that throughout the day, the President will meet with a number of members from both chambers, and as the week progresses I will continue to hold talks with my colleagues as we move forward to the finish line.

Here’s what matters: Build Back Better legislation is going to dramatically improve the lives of tens of millions of American families for years to come. Something that impactful is not an easy feat but we are going to keep working.

By passing this legislation, we can create good paying jobs for this generation and the next. We can lower costs and cut taxes for American families, while taking overdue steps to meaningfully address the climate crisis. 

We still have work to do, but we are going to continue at it until the job is done.

