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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Progress On Senate Appropriations Bills And The Third All-Senators AI Briefing

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the Senate Appropriations Committee continuing to advance bipartisan legislation and the third all-Senators AI briefing. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

As we move forward with the NDAA here on the floor, appropriators also continue working in committee.

Last week, the Appropriations Committee marked up and approved three more bills, and this week they will hold another markup on Thursday. Just like the NDAA, I am proud to say the Appropriations process has been largely bipartisan, precisely as it should be.

Finally, with so much going on this week, I want to remind my colleagues that we will be holding our third All-Senators briefing on AI, following up on our classified briefing earlier this month.

I thank all my colleagues for making the time to attend these AI briefings. Today I also wish to recognize the efforts of the Judiciary Committee, which this afternoon is holding its own hearing on AI regulation. They join the work of many other committees that have moved quickly this year to begin focusing on AI in a very serious way.

The Senate will continue ramping up our focus on AI policy when we begin hosting our Insight Forums later this fall. So once again, thank you to my colleagues for their good work on this pressing matter.
