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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Record 100 Women Confirmed To Lifetime Positions On The Federal Bench In President Biden’s First Term

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the Senate Majority confirming the 100th woman to the bench under President Biden and the 150th judge confirmed overall, so that the judiciary better reflects America. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks:

In a few moments, the Senate will confirm Julia Kobick as District Judge for the District of Massachusetts.

I have great news: this Senate Majority is about to confirm the 100th woman and the 150th judge overall to the federal bench since we took the majority.

One judge at a time, this Democratic Majority is making the federal bench look more like America, and that’s why the confirmation of the 100th woman to the courts is so important. It’s not only double the amount confirmed by President Trump in all his four years, it’s also considerably more women than any full first term of any president.

In fact, two thirds – two thirds – of all of the judges we’ve confirmed under President Biden are women, and we have confirmed more women of color to the bench than any other president’s entire time in office.

These 100 women are historic taken together, but they also include many who are historic in their own right.

They include of course the first Black woman confirmed to the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson.

They include first Muslim American woman on the federal bench.

They include the first Navajo federal judge, and much more.

We’re getting the bench to look like America. It’s been long overdue, but it’s happening, and happening in large steps under this Senate Democratic Majority.

Now, I want to let America know that we’re proud to reach this historic milestone, but we’re not slowing down.

Confirming more women to the bench is long, long overdue, and this Senate, which has made giant strides – more than any other – to make that a reality, will continue to keep working to confirm more judicial nominations in the weeks and months to come.
