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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Republicans Attempting To Block Bipartisan Legislation On Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on House Republicans attempting to kill a bipartisan measure to increase government transparency on UAPs. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

While it is not related to China, House Republicans are also attempting to kill another commonsense, bipartisan measure passed by the Senate – which I was proud to co-sponsor with Senator Rounds as the lead sponsor – to increase transparency around what the government does and does not know about Unidentified Areal Phenomena.

Unidentified Areal Phenomena generate intense curiosity for many Americans, and the risk for confusion and misinformation is high if the government isn’t willing to be transparent.

The measure I championed with Senator Rounds would create a board – just like we did with the JFK assassination records – to work through the declassification of many government records on UAPs. This model has been a terrific success for decades. It should be used again with UAPs. But once again, House Republicans are ready to kill this bipartisan provision. 

Now, we’re going to get the NDAA done this year, just like we have for more than six decades, but there’s still some more work to do.
