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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Republicans Blocking The Right To IVF Act

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor ahead of the vote on cloture on the motion to proceed to the Right to IVF Act. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks:

Today, senators face a very simple question: do you agree Americans should have access to IVF, yes or no? If yes, the only correct answer is to vote yes on the Right to IVF Act.

Protecting IVF should be the easiest “yes” vote Senators have taken all year. All this bill does is establish a nationwide right to IVF and eliminates barriers for millions of Americans who seek IVF to have kids. It’s personal to me. I have a beautiful one-year-old grandson because of the miracle of IVF.

And so, in a perfect world a bill like this would not be necessary, but after the fiasco of the Alabama Supreme Court decision, and the generally MAGA views of some on the Supreme Court, Americans are genuinely worried that IVF is the next target of anti-choice extremists.

To my Republican colleagues who say they’re pro-family, today’s bill protecting IVF is as pro-family as it gets, and we should vote yes today. It is a contradiction to claim you are pro-family but then turn around and block protections for IVF.

And the contrast today is glaring. Here in the Senate, Democrats are talking about protecting women and IVF, and a couple of blocks away, Trump and our Republican colleagues are talking about protecting tax cuts for the very wealthy.

So, the American people are watching how we vote today on a very basic freedom. Parents back home are watching how we vote. Couples who want to become parents are watching how we vote.

It’s very simple: if you support access to IVF, then vote to protect access to IVF today.

Thank you to Senators Duckworth, Murray, and Booker, and so many others leading on this legislation. I urge a yes vote.
