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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Senate Democrats Continuing Work To Lower Costs And Expand Opportunities For American Families

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding Senate Democrats holding hearings on child care, home care services, and clean energy. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Now, as important as Judge Jackson’s hearings are, I urge everyone not to sleep on a handful of other hearings happening this week that are crucial for our country's agenda and frankly our Democratic agenda.

In the Senate HELP Committee, Chairman Murray will hold a hearing tomorrow on something Democrats have pushed for months: cutting the cost of child care and preschool for American families.

The Senate Committee on Aging, meanwhile, will hold a hearing this Wednesday on increasing home care services to seniors, something I strongly support, and I thank Chairman Casey for organizing this hearing.

And finally, the Committee on Environment and Public Works will also meet Wednesday for a hearing on clean energy, combatting climate change, and increasing America’s energy independence in the 21st century.

All these issues—fighting climate change, lowering the costs of child care, taking care of our seniors—remain at the top of our caucus’s priorities; these hearings will inform us immensely as our caucus continues working on legislation that will lower costs and expand opportunity for the American people.
