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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Senate Democrats Reintroducing The Freedom To Vote Act

Washington, D.C.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on Democrats’ reintroduction of the Freedom to Vote Act, emphasizing how all Americans should be free to vote without discrimination. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

In just a few minutes, I’ll be joining a group of my Democratic colleagues to mark the reintroduction of the Freedom to Vote Act. The Freedom to Vote Act rests on a simple, yet fundamental principle: all Americans – no matter where they live – should have the freedom to vote without fear of discrimination. Our bill would set basic standards for Americans to vote safely and securely, and help instill confidence that our nation’s elections are free and fair.

I want to thank Senators Klobuchar, Kaine, and Warnock for their good work on putting this bill together, as well as my House colleagues led by Leader Jeffries.

While Democrats are actively working to expand access to the ballot box, MAGA Republicans in the House, unfortunately, are doing exactly the opposite.

Last week, House Republicans introduced – and advanced through committee – the most restrictive voting rights package we’ve seen in decades.

The Republican package would make voting harder for millions of Americans by creating more barriers to the ballot box, including new obstacles to voter registration and mail-in voting.

The Republican package would also allow the scourge of dark money to fester in our politics by loosening campaign finance safeguards and empowering wealthy, wealthy donors.

So, let me be clear, let me be very clear: Democrats will never allow this Republican package to become law, and instead will focus our efforts on common-sense, real voting rights legislation like the Freedom to Vote Act.
