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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Senator Tuberville’s Reckless Ongoing Blanket Hold On Military Promotions

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding Senator Tuberville’s blanket hold on military promotions and the Senate Rules Committee’s markup tomorrow on a resolution to allowing the Senate to quickly confirm these nominations. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

It has now been nine months since Senator Tuberville began his reckless holds on hundreds of military promotions. Frankly, patience on both sides – both sides – of the aisle is wearing very, very thin.

Every day Senator Tuberville continues his reckless blockades of military promotions, America’s national security pays the price.

Our military readiness pays the price. Military families – spouses who need to start new jobs and children who need to start new schools – pay the price.

It is the responsibility of Senate Republican colleagues to importune Senator Tuberville to stand down, let these military nominees go through, and tell him to stop putting his hard right political demands ahead of America’s national security. 

I know some Republicans have been trying to work with Senator Tuberville over the past week to find some last-ditch solution, but he seems to remains ironclad in his stubbornness. 

So tomorrow, the Senate Rules Committee – led by Senator Klobuchar – will mark up a resolution allowing the Senate to quickly confirm the promotions currently blocked by Senator Tuberville. I thank my colleagues and Chair of the Armed Services Committee, Senator Reed, for his work on this resolution.

If Senator Tuberville continues his blanket holds on military nominations – if he won’t listen even to members of his own side of the aisle – I will bring Senator Reed’s resolution to the floor for a vote as soon as possible.

That way we can end Senator Tuberville’s farce and quickly confirm the over three hundred fifty military promotions – people who served their country long and well­ – we can finally move them to their rightful promotion.
