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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Clear Contrast After Republicans Voted Against The Women’s Health Protection Act

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor after Republicans voted against moving forward with the Women’s Health Protection Act, legislation to codify a woman’s right to choose at the federal level. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Yesterday, the American people saw for themselves a glaring contrast between Democrats who will fight to protect women’s rights to make decisions about their own body, and MAGA Republicans pushing to send mothers and doctors to jail and institute nationwide abortion bans.

With Roe on the brink of elimination, this issue will not go away. As Americans vote later this year, they will choose between radical MAGA Republicans who want to get rid of Roe, push national bans on abortion, and even throw doctors and women in jail or pro-choice Democrats who will protect a woman’s right to make her own decisions when it comes to her body.

Let me say that again: the contrast facing the American people is now simple.

Either elect more MAGA Republicans who want to push for sweeping national bans on abortion, or support pro-choice Democrats who will protect a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her body.

Either elect more MAGA Republicans who want forced pregnancies and who champion bans without exceptions, even for rape or incest, or support pro-choice Democrats who will protect a woman’s right to make her own decisions.

Either elect more MAGA Republicans who want to prosecute and even imprison women and doctors for carrying out abortions, and mere friends who give rides to clinics as well, or support pro-choice Democrats who will protect women’s rights.

Americans are going to see that contrast again and again and again as Democrats keep highlighting this very important and vital issue.

And as much as Republicans will try to deflect, distort, or distract, the unbendable truth is that their anti-women views are wildly out of step with the American people. Just look at what’s happening across the country. Democrats across the country are confidently highlighting their support for a woman’s right to make her own choices.

And while the MAGA Republicans may want to brag about their plans for a nationwide abortion ban and sending women and doctors to jail – the clear majority of Americans disagree with that extremist position.

That’s why Republican campaign committees are urging their candidates to avoid the subject of abortion, because they know their views are out of step. Again, Democrats across the country are now talking about this issue, even doing campaign ads about this issue. The Republican spinmeisters are telling their colleagues avoid the issue. So it's obvious to everyone who is on what side.

Republicans can run but can’t hide from the horror they’ve created. Yesterday’s vote was only one step, not the end of the fight to protect women’s rights. This issue will keep coming back up again and again and again between now and when voters go to the polls later this year. 
