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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Debt Ceiling, Build Back Better, And NDAA

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the important work of addressing the debt limit, Build Back Better Act, and the NDAA. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

In addition to making progress on nominees, the Senate has been doing the hard work of putting ourselves in position to finish our other high-level priorities for the rest of the year.

Last week, we advanced bipartisan legislation that will enable this chamber to address the debt ceiling on a fast-track basis. For the information of all, the Senate will act tomorrow to prevent default. The Senate will act tomorrow to prevent default.

The Senate could also begin processing the annual defense authorization bill—negotiated on a bipartisan, bicameral basis—as early as tomorrow.

Between now and the end of the year, members should also expect that we will hold votes to confirm even more of the President’s nominees.

And on a parallel track, the Senate is moving forward on the reconciliation process so we can vote on President Biden's Build Back Better Act before the Christmas holiday.  

Committees that received reconciliation instructions have been submitting their final texts to the parliamentarian, the CBO, and to our Republican counterparts. Throughout the week, both Republicans and Democrats will hold bipartisan “Byrd Bath” meetings with the parliamentarian.

Meanwhile, I will also continue to meet with my colleagues, and I know the president will also continue discussions with them as we hammer out the final details of Build Back Better.

This remains a laborious process, requiring a lot of precision and a lot of pieces moving together. I want to thank my colleagues and their staff—And especially the Parliamentarian and her team—for their dedication and focus as we approach a vote on the floor.

The work is not yet finished, but we’re working hard to put the Senate in a position to get the legislation across the finish line before Christmas.
