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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The HSGAC-Rules Joint Committee Report On The January 6th Insurrection And The Clear Need For An Independent Commission

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the joint report released by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, in partnership with the Senate Rules Committee, related to the January 6th attack. Senator Schumer laid out how the report strengthens the argument for an independent commission on January 6th. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

This morning, the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, in partnership with the Senate Rules Committee, released a joint report related to the aspects of the tragedy of January 6th. I particularly salute Chairs Peters and Klobuchar for the good work they have done with their ranking members.

The report drew a few notable conclusions, especially with respect to failures in intelligence-gathering and communication that took place on and before January the 6th.

But just as glaring is what the report didn’t consider. Indeed, what it was not allowed to consider. The report did not investigate, report on, or hardly make any reference to the actual cause—the actual impetus—for the attack on January 6th.

With the exception of a brief reference to former President Trump’s remarks at the ellipse, Senate Republicans insisted that the report exclude anything having to do with the cause of the insurrection.

If anything, the joint report by the Homeland Security and Rules Committees has strengthened the argument for an independent commission on January the 6th.

We had a perfect opportunity to establish such a commission at the end of last session, before Republicans mounted a partisan filibuster against it. Despite the fact that the Democrats worked with Republicans for weeks in the House and Senate to construct a Commission that was bipartisan, focused, straight-down-the-middle. Despite the fact that Speaker Pelosi acceded to every major request made by House Republicans about the structure of the Commission. And despite the fact that here in the Senate, I have supported the changes proposed by my colleague Senator Collins.

As the Big Lie continues to spread, as faith in our elections continues to decline, it is crucial—crucial—that we establish a trusted, independent record of what transpired on January 6th and what caused it. So I reserve the right to bring legislation for an independent, bipartisan commission to the Senate floor for another vote.

