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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Life Of Nevada Senator Harry Reid

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the passing of former Senate Majority Leader, Nevada Senator Harry Reid, who will lie in state on January 12. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

This morning, let me begin with a few words on the loss of our dear friend, our beloved former leader, and one of the brightest stars to ever serve in the U.S. Senate—our former colleague Harry Reid of Searchlight, Nevada as he would proudly refer to himself.

Harry Reid, in short, was one of the most incredible individuals I have ever met, the sort of person you come across only a handful of times in your entire life. He was tough as nails, a fighter to his core—but also one of the most compassionate individuals you could imagine. To lose Harry Reid is like losing track of the North Star; there are many in this chamber who got to where they are because of him.

Next Wednesday, January 12th, Harry will make his final return to the U.S. Capitol where he will lie in state under the Rotunda.

As we honor his life and legacy I will have more to say in the coming days. But for now I can only say that Harry was my leader, my mentor, one of my dearest friends.

When you lose someone who was as close to us as Harry was, they are never truly gone. They will always stay with us. As we gavel in today I take comfort knowing that Harry is with us in spirit, walking alongside us as we continue the work he dedicated himself to for so many years.

To Harry’s family, to his wife Landra, and to all their children and grandchildren, I offer my prayers and my condolences.
