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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Need For The Senate To Take The Next Steps To Advance Jobs and Competitiveness Legislation

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the need to move towards a conference on jobs and competitiveness legislation. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

As the Judiciary Committee begins a busy week of hearings, the Senate likewise begins a busy week here on the floor.

Later this afternoon, the Senate will vote to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the House-Passed America Competes Act, the next important step towards enacting major jobs and competitiveness legislation that both Republicans and Democrats widely support.

Over the past year, the House and Senate have acted independently to pass their own versions of competitiveness legislation. To reconcile the differences between these bills, both Chambers must enter a Conference before we send a final product to the President’s desk.

In order to go to conference, the Senate needs to amend the House-passed COMPETES bill with the Senate-passed U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, and then send it back to the House. That’s what we’re working towards starting today.

It is of the highest urgency we move forward on competitive legislation; it will lower costs. The words of the day are lowering costs – this bill will do a lot in that regard.

The competitive legislation will lower costs by bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, by fixing bottlenecks in our supply chains, and by fueling scientific research.

Importantly, this bill would also help ensure that the U.S. has a long-term and resilient supply of chips, crucial for our military, our auto industry, our tech industry, and for American families who feel the sting through price hikes and maddening delays in available goods.

As the war in Europe reminds us, our country is vulnerable when we import too many goods from a single country, particularly semiconductors so needed in so many sectors of the economy. We need to make more of these products here in America instead of overseas to shore up our supply chains and preserve our national security. For that reason alone, let’s not tarry any longer: let’s pass this important bill; no more delay!

I want to thank my Republican colleagues – especially Senators Cornyn and Young – for continuing to work in good faith in this process. Most of us want to see a conference happen soon and I believe we can reach that goal in the coming weeks.
