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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Pause Of Hostilities In Gaza And The Release Of Hostages

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the pause of hostilities in Gaza to allow for 50 Israeli hostages’ release and the delivery of humanitarian aid to innocent civilians. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Last week, an agreement was reached for a pause of hostilities in the Gaza Strip to allow for the release of fifty Israeli hostages held by Hamas. This pause also allowed for the delivery of humanitarian aid for innocent civilians in Gaza. And a few hours ago – just a few hours ago – it was reported that all sides have agreed to extend this pause for two more days to allow additional hostages to be released.

I am so relieved some of the hostages are coming home after enduring weeks of utter horror. I’ve met many of their families. I’ve heard the pain they’re in. We’ve cried together, in both Israel, New York, and in Washington. And while much healing is ahead, I’m relieved that some are home.

I’m also glad that the temporary pause has allowed for critical humanitarian aid to enter Gaza and reach innocent civilians who have nothing to do with Hamas.

So, the extension of the pause, the release of the fifty hostages, and the delivery of humanitarian aid are all extremely positive developments, but there’s lots of work to do.

We must keep working until all the hostages are free. We must continue working here in the Senate to pass humanitarian aid for innocent civilians in Gaza. And we must ensure that Israel has the aid it needs to defend itself against the threat of the terrorist organization Hamas, so they can never again pose such a threat to Israel.
