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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Rejection Of GOP Resolution That Would Have Blocked Veterans From Making Their Own Healthcare Decisions And MAGA Republicans Continuing To Hold Up Military Promotions To Prevent Members Of The Military From Having Access To Reproductive Care

Washington, D.C.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on yesterday’s vote rejecting Senator Tommy Tuberville’s resolution that would eliminate access to reproductive care for veterans and their families and on Senator Tuberville’s continued hold on military promotions to advance his anti-choice views. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

For weeks, the Senior Senator from Alabama has threatened American security by blocking over 180 routine military promotions, because he objects to women in the military accessing reproductive care.

Yesterday, the Senator from Alabama’s objections came before the Senate for consideration, through a resolution that would have eliminated reproductive care for our veterans and their families. Senator Tuberville lost the vote. Senator Tuberville lost while our women veterans won.

Yesterday’s vote made two things very clear: first, MAGA Republicans are so hell bent on eliminating reproductive choice that not even veterans and our generals are safe. Americans have made abundantly clear that they reject the hard right’s anti-choice agenda, but MAGA Republicans still double down.

Second, the Senate has now spoken on Senator Tuberville’s anti-choice proposal and said no, one of the few instances where a CRA has been voted down in the Senate, and in this case, with bipartisan votes against it.

The Senate has spoken. Senator Tuberville has zero excuse for blocking over 180 military proportions. His objection has been presented, considered, and rejected on a bipartisan basis. He should drop his holds against our military personnel and move on.

I urge my Republican colleagues who care about our national defense and about our veterans to talk some sense into our colleague from Alabama, so he can drop his dangerous holds.
