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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Release Of President Biden’s Budget Proposal Investing In The American People

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the release of President Biden’s budget proposal and Democrats’ continuing work to invest in the American people. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Yesterday President Biden released a budget proposal laying out a bold, optimistic, responsible path for America. The President’s budget shows the stark contrast between the Democrats’ positive, proactive vision and the Republicans’ negative, regressive vision for our country.

Democrats want to lower costs for working families. President Biden’s budget includes actions to reduce the price of prescription drug costs, to cut taxes for middle- and low-income Americans, and to restore the Child Tax Credit.

Republicans have made it clear they have no interest in lowering costs for working families, and would rather help the wealthy get even wealthier.

Democrats want to protect programs like Social Security and Medicare. President Biden’s budget protects and strengthens these vital programs, which tens of millions of Americans rely on every single day.

Republicans have fought relentlessly to slash funding for Social Security and Medicare, which would have devastating consequences for the American people.

Democrats want to make the tax code fairer, while cutting the deficit. President Biden’s budget ends the reckless Trump-era tax scam that overwhelmingly cut taxes for the wealthiest few and large corporations and left working families out to dry. And the President’s budget proposes measures to cut the deficit by nearly $3 trillion – $3 trillion – over the next decade.

This is the President’s Budge in a nutshell: Lower costs. Stronger Social Security. Stronger Medicare. More investments in America and the American people. All while reducing the deficit. That’s something we can all get behind.
