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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Release Of The Senate Democratic Diversity Initiative Survey

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor about the release of the Senate Democratic Diversity Initiative survey showing the number of diverse staffers continues to increase. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

This morning, the Senate Democratic Diversity Initiative released the results of its annual survey of Democratic staffers, the seventh year they have done so in a row.

When I became Majority Leader, I promised to work to increase the diversity of Senate offices, so that they can reflect the diversity of the states and the communities in which we serve.

This year’s survey shows that we continue to make important progress and I want to highlight a few of the results:

For the fourth year in a row, the number of diverse staffers has increased, reaching the highest levels since we launched our survey,  and almost certainly the highest level ever. Certainly the highest level in our Conference’s history.

Our survey also shows that more African Americans work for Senate Democratic offices than ever – and in fact that’s also true for Latinos, Middle Eastern and North Africans, and Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders. Additionally more staffers identify as part of the LGBTQ community since we first asked that question starting in 2019.

These milestones matter. Diversity matters. Our democracy can only thrive when all voices are heard and represented. I’ve seen that in my own office. I learn more and more from people of diverse backgrounds. It’s a great thing and it helps me be a better Senator for all the people of New York State.

And I believe our survey matters too, because the only way we can make progress is by holding ourselves accountable through transparency. To say we’re doing it is not enough. To actually do it and have the statistics and numbers that show we’re doing it shows the real progress we’re making.

Now we have a lot of work left to do, we’re not there yet. No, that’s for sure. But I am encouraged that our caucus continues to grow more diverse with each passing year.
