Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the Senate moving to consider Todd Kim to serve as the Assistant Attorney General and alerted the Senate to additional votes on nominations that may occur this week. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:
This week, we will consider several highly-qualified nominees to the Biden Administration.
Tonight, the Senate will invoke cloture on Todd Kim—someone the Senator from Illinois has just spoken about—to serve as the Assistant Attorney General and head of the environment and natural resources division of the Justice Department, where he worked as a lawyer for nearly eight years.
The son of Korean immigrants, Mr. Kim fell in love with America’s natural treasures at a young age, when his parents took him on an RV trip across the American west. After tonight, he’ll be in a position to defend those very treasures by making sure our environmental laws are enforced, our federal lands are maintained, and our relationship with Native Tribes is respected. I look forward to confirming his nomination.
Senators should also be aware that there may be additional votes on nominations this week, including members of the National Labor Relations Board and potentially votes to advance nominees from our Senate committees.
The Senate has a constitutional duty to advise and consent on presidential appointments. We’ll continue that important work this week.