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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Senate Continuing To Move Forward Bipartisan Appropriations Legislation

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the progress of bipartisan appropriations process. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Off the floor, our appropriators continue to make good progress on the appropriations bill. This morning, the Appropriations Committee is marking up the remaining four appropriations bills.

It’s just like the NDAA, both sides, Democrats, Republicans, have been working really well together. This is never an easy process, but I really want to thank Chair Murray and Vice Chair Collins. They have worked together in a really supremely bipartisan – almost exquisite – way for shepherding these bills through committee with bipartisan support, cause it ain’t easy when the country is so divided.

This is a model for how the appropriations process should always work: both sides coming together, finding common ground, and advancing bills that invest in American families, keep communities safe, drive down our costs, and keep our government open.

It’s this type of bipartisanship that prevented any government shutdowns last Congress, when Democrats had majorities in the House and Senate. And the American people certainly don’t want to see a shutdown now.

So, there’s a lot of work left to do, but I’m pleased that our appropriators are making progress on these markups, and I thank them again. You look at the NDAA bill, you look at the appropriations bill, you compare the House to the Senate, the contrast as I said is glaring. House Republicans should look to the Senate for how to really get things done and help the American people instead of just shouting partisan screeds.
