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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Senate Moving To Advance The Historic Nomination Of Arianna Freeman To Serve As Circuit Court Judge For The Third Circuit

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the nomination of Arianna Freeman as Circuit Court Judge to the Third Circuit. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

As we continue moving forward on the first major gun bill in decades, the Senate will also proceed with confirming even more of President Biden’s highly qualified judicial nominees.

Later today, the Senate will move forward on the historic nomination of Arianna Freeman to serve as Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit.

Ms. Freeman would make history as the first Black woman ever to preside as an appellate judge on the third circuit, which is home to more than three million African Americans in the Northeast and the Virgin Island, but which has only had five African American judges in its entire history.

Her confirmation would be a long-overdue step towards a more representative bench that is vital for the health of democracy.

And her qualifications—Yale Law School, clerkships for three federal judges, extensive experience as a federal defender—should erase any doubt that she merits appointment to the bench.

Normally, a nominee with Ms. Freeman’s resume should command strong bipartisan support, so it is deeply regrettable that her nomination was deadlocked in Committee with an 11-11 tie vote.

Nevertheless, we are proceeding with her nomination today; I have just moved to discharge her nomination out of the Judiciary Committee so we can bring her to a vote here on the floor.

Again, a simple look at her resume shows she has the skills. We know she has the temperament, and experience to make an excellent judge. And despite delays the Senate is going to move her one step closer to confirmation today.
