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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Senate Passing Legislation To Restore Back Pay To Service Members Negatively Impacted By Republican Senator Tuberville’s Reckless Blanket Hold

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on the Senate passing legislation to grant back pay to military members negatively impacted by Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville’s months-long blanket. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks:

Tonight, just in the time for the holidays, the Senate is giving our military families a present: the justice and back pay they so richly earned and deserved.

Finally, we are able to right the wrong of Senator Tuberville’s illogical, hurtful, and dangerous holds and the massive impacts the holds had on military families. These men and women have worked so hard for our country for so long. [And] because of Senator Tuberville, in a really nasty and whimsical holding back of their promotions, they weren’t getting paid.

Well, tonight at long last we are giving these military families, families that have already sacrificed so much, the justice they deserve: their back pay. It’s a good night for them, and it’s a good night for America. America is keeping its promise and saying to these men and women: you served us well; you don’t deserve to be penalized in any way at all.
