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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Senate Vote To Advance The Right To Contraception Act

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor, urging Senators to ensure that all Americans have access to contraception the by voting to advance Right to Contraception Act. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks:

Today every Senator must take a stand: if you agree all Americans deserve access to contraception, then vote yes on the Right to Contraception Act.

This bill simply says that if you want to access birth control, or if you’re a health care provider wanting to prescribe birth control, the government has no right to interfere.

This is not a show vote, it’s a show us who you are vote – and the American people are watching.

Up to ninety percent of Americans support access to contraceptives. But today one in five adults are now worried that birth control is under threat. This is just one of consequences of overturning Roe, so we have every reason in the world to vote yes today.

We should all agree that in America nobody should ever question if their ability to access contraceptives will be taken away. Sadly that’s precisely the fear more and more people feel today. Passing this bill would put those fears to rest and protect people’s basic civil liberties.

So again, it’s all very simple: if you agree all Americans deserve to have access to contraception, then you should support the bill. Thank you to Senators Markey, Hirono, and others for championing this legislation, and let us all vote yes.
