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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Senate’s Third and Fourth Bipartisan AI Insight Forums Taking Place Today

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on today’s Insight Forums focused on AI and the workforce and AI’s use in high-impact areas. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Today, as leaders gather in London for the first AI Summit, the Senate will hold our third and fourth bipartisan AI Insight Forums.

This morning will be focused on the intersection of AI and the workforce. We’ll hear from a balanced group of leaders in labor, tech, civil rights, and business about both the opportunities and risks that AI presents to the American worker and to our economy.

People are worried. Many people worry, will I still have my job as AI kicks in? We want to make sure that we have guardrails that protect workers, not make the mistake that was done with globalization, where so many were thrown out of work through no fault of their own.

And then this afternoon, we will discuss AI’s use in high-impact areas, like finance, health care, law enforcement. We’ll focus especially on the potential bias in AI technologies in these high-impact areas, and how Congress can create guardrails to protect our civil rights in the age of AI.

The Senate is continuing to be all hands on deck when it comes to trying to pass AI legislation.

Yesterday, our bipartisan AI gang – Senators Rounds, Heinrich, Young, and I – had a great meeting with President Biden at the White House on AI.

So, we’re making good progress, but we still have more to learn about AI as we work to develop bipartisan legislation and the world is paying attention. There’s a forum in London today where the Vice President will attend, and inevitably they will be looking, the whole world will be looking, to the Senate to see whether and what kind of legislation we can pass. We will work hard to get the best possible bipartisan legislation done.
