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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The United Auto Workers’ Historic Tentative Agreements With Ford, Stellantis, and GM

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the UAW’s tentative deals with the Big 3 auto manufacturers. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Last Wednesday night, the United Auto Workers reached an agreement with Ford Motor Company for better wages, better benefits, stronger workplace protections. Last Saturday, the UAW reached a tentative deal with Stellantis mirroring the agreement with Ford.

And today, it has been reported that the UAW has finally reached agreement with GM, the last of the three automakers that the UAW was negotiating with.

It’s simple: when unions win, workers win, the middle class wins, America wins.

These announcements are very good news not just for autoworkers but for all Americans who want better paying jobs, better working conditions.

Automakers have made staggering profits in recent years, after workers made enormous sacrifices in the aftermath of the great recession. So now, workers deserve those profits and these agreements rebalance things in a fairer way, which had been unbalanced after 2008. I am glad that these tentative agreements have now been reached.
