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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On This Weekend’s Hostage Crisis At Congregation Beth Israel In Texas

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding this weekend’s hostage situation at Congregation Beth Israel in Texas. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Before I begin the substance of my remarks I want to offer a few words in reaction to the terrible hostage situation this weekend in Texas.

Saturday’s hostage crisis at Congregation Beth Israel was a horrifying reminder that the ancient poison of antisemitism continues to this day. I’m relieved that all of the hostages made it out alive, and I commend the quick thinking of the first responders, and of Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker who acted valiantly, and all those present for bringing this crisis to an end.

Moving forward, we must get to the bottom of what inspired the terrorist attack on Saturday, and increase our vigilance against all forms of antisemitism and racially-motivated violence.

Here in Congress we must continue working to increase our investment in non-profit security grants to groups who are targets of hate. We need to give our communities the tools they need to protect themselves so they can live without fear of being targeted just because of who they are.

On this day, I stand in solidarity with the congregation of Beth Israel, the Jewish community of greater Dallas-Ft. Worth, and with all Jewish Americans for whom Saturday’s attack was a traumatic reminder of the hate we have yet to overcome.
