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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Today’s Vote To Confirm Jessica Rosenworcel To The Federal Communications Commission

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding today’s vote to confirm Jessica Rosenworcel to the Federal Communications Commission. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

The Senate will vote to confirm a remarkable, highly-experienced, and historic nominee: Jessica Rosenworcel to be the Chair of the FCC, Federal Communications Commission.

Ms. Rosenworcel has served as a Commissioner at the FCC for nearly a decade, the past 10 months as acting Chair. I believe Ms. Rosenworcel will receive great bipartisan support as she becomes the first woman ever confirmed by this chamber to lead the FCC.


Ms. Rosenworcel is exactly the right person for the job in 2021. She has set herself apart as one of the nation’s leading champions for a more affordable and accessible internet. After the FCC repealed net neutrality during the Trump Administration, the best thing the Senate can do is to confirm someone with a proven record of standing on the side of American consumers.

Ms. Rosenworcel will also step in as Chair at a time when the FCC is carrying out the important task of expanding broadband to millions of Americans who have long been left behind. Ms. Rosenworcel is keenly aware of the immense damage that the digital divide has caused our country: it has shut out rural, urban, and low-income Americans, including far too many women and people of color for whom basic internet access remains unavailable or unaffordable, even as it is a necessity in the 21st century.

Ms. Rosenworcel has long focused on these issues and I am confident that, under her leadership, the FCC will make immense progress in addressing these challenges.

Americans don’t want to see their internet bills go up and up and up.

They don’t want to have to drive long distances at late hours to just so their kids can finish homework at public libraries. And they want telemedicine to be available so they can be in the best of health.

Every American wants and deserves fast, affordable, and reliable internet access directly in their homes.

Already this year, as a result of the President’s infrastructure bill, we have made tremendous strides in closing the digital divide. We will build on that progress by confirming Ms. Rosenworcel today, so that Americans can rest assured they will have an FCC fighting for them.  


