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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Vice President Harris Matching The Tie-Breaking Vote Record In The Senate

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate Floor about Vice President Harris’ historic tie-breaking vote that matches the record for the most tie-breaking votes ever cast in the U.S. by a Vice President. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks:

I want to note that this is a history-making moment for the United States Senate. Today Vice President Kamala Harris matches the record for the most tie-breaking votes ever cast in the United States by a Vice President.

The Constitution says that, “the Vice President of the United States shall be the President of the Senate” and with that comes the immense burden of casting votes whenever this chamber is evenly split.  

When it's mattered most, Vice President Harris has provided the decisive vote on some of the most historic bills of modern times, from the American Rescue Plan to the Inflation Reduction Act, to so many federal judges who now preside and provide balance on the federal bench. She's carried out her duties with supreme excellence.

And today all of us, all of us, thank her for making the work of the Senate possible.

We also thank Vice President Harris for doing all this work despite all the other demands she faces as the nation's Vice President, from leading the charge on protecting freedom of choice, to speaking out on criminal justice reform and gun safety, to pushing for climate justice, our nation is stronger, fairer, more prosperous because of the work of the Vice President.

So, Madam Vice President, on this historic day, thank you. Thank you for your leadership and your service to this institution and to the United States of America.
