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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Yesterday’s Joint HSGAC-Rules Committee Hearing Into The January 6 Capitol Insurrection And The Importance Of Sticking To The Facts

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding yesterday’s hearing investigating the violent insurrection on the Capitol. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

I want to commend the Rules Committee and the Homeland Security Committee yesterday for holding an important hearing examining the attack on January 6th—the horrible, horrible attack. It was the first of what will be many examinations of the events on January 6th and how we can prevent such an attack from ever happening again.

The hearing revealed several security and communications failures that must be addressed going forward, and followed-up on in future investigations.

Regrettably, the hearing also revealed that there are still members of the Senate Republican minority who are willing to continue the campaign of misinformation, deception, and conspiracy that helped fuel the attack on January 6th in the first place.                                                                       

So let me be very clear: blaming the January 6th attack on “provocateurs” and “fake Trump protestors” is mindless garbage. It has no basis in fact. Perpetuating and giving a platform to those lies is a preposterous contribution to a Senate hearing devoted to Capitol security.

Everyone—everyone—needs to move forward by sticking to the facts and engaging in a very serious discussion about the security of the Capitol complex.
