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Majority Leader Schumer Statement Following Meeting With Chinese President Xi Jinping

Beijing, China – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) released the following statement after he lead a bipartisan Senate delegation yesterday in a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping:

“The United States and China are at an historic decision point in the relationship between our two countries.

“I, along with members of the bipartisan Senate delegation, spoke candidly with President Xi about a range of issues and our respective priorities. I made clear to President Xi that America wants stability and fairness. At the foundation of our relationship must be a level playing field for American businesses and workers as well as responsible competition. We need reciprocity. That means allowing American companies to compete as freely in China as Chinese companies are able to compete in America.  I made clear to President Xi that we do not believe there is a level playing field or reciprocity now. 

“I raised the huge structural inequities and serious imbalances the U.S. faces in its economic and trade relationship with China. For decades, the Chinese government has erected significant barriers aimed at restricting the ability of American companies to compete in an open and fair manner in China. I made clear that the United States cannot sit idly by and that we must address the Chinese government’s forced technology transfers, theft of intellectual property, required joint ventures, and intimidation of U.S. businesses operating in China, among other troubling actions, that undermine economic reciprocity.  

“Specifically, I also raised the need to remove restrictions and open up the Chinese market to U.S. companies, including from the semiconductor, financial services, and aerospace industries, and putting an end to policies that intimidate U.S. businesses operating in China.

“The United States is ready to compete vigorously with the PRC, and we must also hold China accountable for any unfair practices that undermine the relationship between our countries.

“Equally important to the need for reciprocity is the need for China to take more aggressive action to stop fentanyl from coming into America. Right now, the scourge of fentanyl is costing tens of thousands of lives and destroying American families. I called on President Xi to work with the United States to stem the flow of precursor chemicals that are fueling America’s fentanyl crisis. China taking meaningful actions on this critical issue will go a long way to improving relations between our two counties, which is a good deal for both of us. 

“While we must ensure that our trade policies are fair, the United States will also prioritize our economic and national security, including protecting advanced technologies. Our delegation made clear that America is not seeking a confrontation with China, but we will remain steadfast in our commitment to promoting stability in the region, freedom, and democratic principles, and vigorously defend our values around the world. 

“I raised with President Xi the unfolding atrocities carried out against Israel and the need for the world community to stand together against terrorism and with the Israeli people, and pointedly requested from President Xi that the Chinese Foreign Minister strengthen their statement; they did.

“I am looking forward to building on the honest, but productive conversation we had yesterday with President Xi and other senior government officials to discuss our shared interest in long-term stability for our two countries. The best path forward for the United States and China remains cooperation and fair competition.”
