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Majority Leader Schumer Statement On Biden Administration Declaring Xylazine An Emerging Threat

Washington, D.C.   Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) supports the Biden Administration’s decision to declare xylazine an emerging threat. Majority Leader Schumer previously sent a letter on March 30, 2023 to Administrator Anne Milgram of the Drug Enforcement Agency urging her to take action before xylazine becomes an epidemic; that letter can be read here. Below is Senator Schumer’s statement on the declaration.


“Xylazine is a deadly, skin-rotting, zombie drug, and I’m glad the Biden administration has designated it an emerging threat—a vital step to save lives throughout the country. This is the first step in eradicating this awful drug once and for all.

“A few weeks ago, I laid out my two-pronged approach to combat xylazine: fight and fund. First, the DEA’s specialized diversion control teams should increase their focus on xylazine to cut off the flow of drugs, much of which comes from China. And second, we need more funding for prevention, recovery, and treatment programs for those suffering with addiction, which I will continue to push in Congress to law enforcement and public health agencies have the resources they need to fight this scourge on the front lines and help save lives.”

