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Majority Leader Schumer Statement On Bipartisan Appropriations Agreement

Washington, D.C. — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) released the following statement on the bipartisan, bicameral agreement on an omnibus government funding framework for fiscal year 2022:

“The bicameral, bipartisan framework announced today means we’re in very good shape to complete an omnibus and avoid a CR, which will hurt growth and millions of Americans.  After a year of historic economic growth under Democratic leadership that saw an unprecedented number of jobs created and historic wage increases, this omnibus will build on the middle class investments that are lowering costs for everyday Americans.

“This framework agreement is a vital step towards ensuring the federal government remains funded and open – to serve the needs of the American people for the rest of the year. I want to thank the appropriators from both sides of the aisle for working in good-faith to reach this agreement, which will allow for negotiations to continue on a final bipartisan omnibus package. This framework will not only take the possibility of a government shutdown off the table, it will also unlock long-term funding for critical federal programs, create good-paying American jobs, extend ladders for the middle class, and fortify our national security.”
