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Majority Leader Schumer Statement On Hostilities Pause And Hostage Release

New York, N.Y. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today released the following statement on the agreement to pause hostilities between Israel and Hamas and allow for the release of 50 hostages:

“I am pleased and relieved that we are close to seeing the first 50 hostages be released and reunited with their loved ones. The release of 50 out of 240 hostages would mark real progress, but we cannot rest until all the hostages are free. 

“Since Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel on October 7th that killed more than 1,200 civilians, I have fought for the safe release of the hostages, meeting with the families both in the U.S. and Israel, working closely with the Biden administration, and staying in constant communication with Israeli officials. I’ve heard the heart-wrenching stories of the families living in despair, waiting minute by minute for any news about their loved ones. 

“While we look forward to welcoming home those who will soon be freed, we will continue to share the piercing pain of the hostages that remain held in Gaza and that of their families. This agreement will give the International Red Cross access to treat the hostages who remain in Gaza for the first time since they were taken on October 7th, and I will keep fighting for their safe release until every single hostage is freed from the pernicious grip of Hamas.

“The fact that this agreement to pause hostilities and free hostages will allow additional humanitarian assistance into Gaza for the millions of innocent Palestinians who have nothing to do with Hamas is a positive development.

“The Senate will continue working to pass additional humanitarian assistance for innocent Palestinians, and make sure that Israel has the aid it needs to defend itself to ensure Hamas can never again pose such a threat to Israel. We must continue the difficult work of building lasting peace in the region and build toward a future where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side with equal measures of dignity and security.”
