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Majority Leader Schumer Statement On President Biden’s Artificial Intelligence Executive Order

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today released the following statement on President Biden’s executive order on AI:

“Today, President Biden took a crucial step with his artificial intelligence executive order to ensure that the U.S. remains the leader of AI innovation and can harness this awesome technology for good. 

“This is a massive step forward, but of course more is needed. All executive orders are limited in what they can do, so it is now on Congress to augment, expand, and cement this massive start with legislation. The Senate will continue to work in bipartisan fashion, in conjunction with the President and his Administration, to build upon this momentum. Congress must now act with urgency and humility. Urgency, because we can’t wait while other countries are gaining on us and humility because the task of ensuring sustained investment to advance AI innovation and setting common-sense guardrails is a powerful and challenging one.

“I look forward to building upon today’s important executive order and continuing to drive towards legislative action on AI. We cannot afford to wait.”
