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Majority Leader Schumer Statement On President Biden’s Budget Proposal, Calling On Senate Republican Leaders To Show The American People Their Plan

Washington. D.C.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today released the following statement on President Biden’s budget proposal, which lays out a strong path for the nation that Democrats are working to build:

“Just as he did in his State of the Union address, President Biden’s budget lays out a bold, optimistic, and responsible path for the nation. The budget highlights the sharp contrast between Democrats’ positive, proactive vision and the Republican negative, regressive vision for our country. Democrats want to grow our economy in a responsible way, while making smart investments in our future.

“A centerpiece of President Biden’s budget plan is ending the reckless Trump-era tax scam that cut taxes for the biggest corporations and the ultra-wealthy while adding trillions to the debt. That tax scam proved to be a dud for our economy, lined the pockets of the wealthy and special interests, and was broadly rejected by the American people. Democrats will end the tax giveaways that further reward the wealthy and well-connected and instead focus on using the tax code to help working families get ahead. 

“The budget also builds on the progress Democrats made in a long string of legislative accomplishments to support and grow America from the middle out and the bottom up. From the bipartisan infrastructure and jobs law to the Inflation Reduction Act to the CHIPS and Science Act to the PACT Act for our veterans, and so much more, President Biden’s budget will ensure we finish the job and make good on the investments we made to rebuild America. 

“President Biden’s budget shows are the two clear choices for America’s future and highlights our vision for a better America. Democrats want the ultra-wealthy to pay their fair share while Republicans fight to make it easier for wealthy tax cheats to pay less than middle-class families. Democrats will protect Medicare and Social Security while Republicans look to cut these hard-earned benefits. Democrats want to make investments so every American family can do better – Republicans want those who have already done well to do even better. 

“Now, I challenge every Senate Republican who is looking to succeed Leader McConnell to lay out their plan. If they believe their plan is the better way, then they should put it on paper for all Americans to see.” 
