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Majority Leader Schumer Statement On President Biden’s Expected Executive Action To Relieve Student Loan Debt

New York, N.Y. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today released the following statement on Democrats’ continuing efforts to cancel student loan debt for the American people:

"Growing student loan debt is holding back greater growth in our country, especially for communities of color. Democrats and President Biden will be relentless in doing everything we can to help working families, minority communities, and more free themselves from this crushing debt.

"Since the day President Biden took office, I have urged him to do everything in his power to cancel as much student loan debt as possible. And heeding Congress’s call, the President’s actions have made a difference in the lives of so many Americans who have had their debt either significantly reduced or entirely eliminated.

"Unfortunately, last year, the MAGA Supreme Court struck down his most far-reaching student loan debt forgiveness, ripping away a financial lifeline from those who need it most.

"President Biden’s expected additional executive action will greatly reduce the burden of student loans for millions of Americans.

"There is always more work to be done to alleviate the burden of student loan debt. And we will not stop until crippling student loan debt is a thing of the past.”
