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Majority Leader Schumer Statement On The Newly Released Bipartisan CR Text To Avoid A Government Shutdown

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today released the following statement after the announcement of the release of the text of the bipartisan continuing resolution:

“All through the weekend –  night and day – Senate Democrats and Republicans worked in good faith to reach an agreement on a continuing resolution that will keep the government funded and avert a shutdown.

“This bipartisan CR is a temporary solution, a bridge that will spare families the pain of a shutdown while allowing Congress to keep working to fully fund the federal government. Though this bill does not have everything either side wants, the Senate agreement will continue to fund the government at present levels, maintain our commitment to Ukraine’s security and humanitarian needs, while also ensuring those impacted by national disasters across the country begin to get the resources they need to start their recoveries.

“Later this afternoon the Senate will hold the first procedural vote to move forward on a vehicle for the CR, and I thank my colleagues from both sides, particularly the Appropriations Committee and Leader McConnell, all of whom worked in good faith to get us to this point.

“Once passed, the House must swiftly take up the bill and send it to the President’s desk to avoid a shutdown – giving Americans the help and resources they deserve.

“This bill is a bridge towards cooperation and away from extremism. I urge reasonable and patriotic members of both chambers can come together to pass this bridge CR and move forward, freed from the extremist partisans hell-bent on destroying faith in government.”
