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NEW VIDEO: Leading Republicans Outside Congress Put Country Over Party, Support Impeachment Inquiry

Despite radio silence from many Congressional Republicans and continued stonewalling from the Trump administration, some Republican leaders from across the country are putting country over party and speaking out in support of the House impeachment inquiry. 



Former White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster:

REPORTER: Is it appropriate for the president of the United States to solicit foreign interference in our political process?

MCMASTER: Of course no. No, it's absolutely not. [Axios, 10/10/19]

Governor Phil Scott (R-VT): “So I think these are serious allegations and we need to make sure we do the fact-finding and figure out what exactly did happen.” [AP, 9/27/19]

Governor Charlie Baker (R-MA): “Based on the stuff that I’ve read, it’s a deeply disturbing situation and circumstance and I think the proper role and responsibility for congress at this point is to investigate it and get to the bottom of it.” [AP, 9/27/19]

Fmr. Governor John Kasich (R-OH): “I've been amazed that Republicans have been unwilling to even say that that call was  inappropriate or wrong. It was flat out wrong. It was outrageous. And there should be this inquiry.” [MSNBC, 10/15/19]

Governor Larry Hogan (R-MD): “I think we do need an inquiry because we've got to get to the bottom of it.” [PBS, 10/11/19]

Gen. Colin Powell: “The Republican party has got to get a grip on itself. Right now Republican leaders and members of the Congress, both Senate and House, are holding back because they are terrified of what will happen to any one of them if they speak up” … “We have to remember the Constitution started with we the people, not me the president.” [CNN, 10/6/19
