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On Senate Floor, Schumer Responds To Supreme Court Decision Blocking Trump Admin Bid To End Protections For Dreamers

Washington, D.C.—Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor responding to the Supreme Court decision blocking the Trump administration’s bid to end protections for DACA recipients.  Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

I cried tears of joy a few minutes ago when I heard the decision of the Supreme Court on DACA. These wonderful DACA kids and their families have a huge burden lifted off their shoulders. They don't have to worry about being deported. They can do their jobs, and I believe—I do believe this—someday, someday soon, they will be American citizens.

I have met so many of these beautiful children and their families. Now many have grown up. They came to America as little kids, and all they want to be is Americans. They work hard. I met some of them during the COVID crisis in New York, risking their lives to deal with the health care crisis we had. I have seen them enlist in the armed forces and go to college, in some of our best colleges and law schools, and climb that American ladder that has been around for so many years, and some people want to rip away.

So this is a wonderful, wonderful day—for the DACA kids, for their families, and for the American Dream. We have always believed in immigration in America. We have had some dark forces oppose it in recent years, but we believe in it. It's part of our soul. Every one of us cares about immigrants, and so many of us are descendants of immigrants.

Wow, what a decision. And let me say this: in these very difficult times, the Supreme Court provided a bright ray of sunshine this week, with the decision on Monday preventing discrimination in employment against the LGBTQ community, and now with this DACA decision.

To me, frankly, the court's decisions were surprising but welcome and gives you some faith that the laws and rules and mores of this country can be upheld. Wow, the decision is amazing. I am so happy for these kids and their families. I feel for them, and I think all of America does. 
