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President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Broken Promises



GETTING GOVERNMENT TO WORK FOR TRUMP ALLIES OUT OF THE WAY: President Donald J. Trump has done more to break promises and enrich his allies stop the Government from interfering in the lives of Americans in his first 100 days than any other President in history.

Despite campaigning as a populist, President Trump has governed as a hard-right extremist. Again and again, he has broken his promises to the American people while his allies have reaped the rewards. In fact, President Trump and his administration have had more than one self-created crisis a day. It’s no wonder that “nearly two-thirds of Americans give President Donald Trump poor or middling marks for his first 100 days in office.”

NBC News: “Nearly two-thirds of Americans give President Donald Trump poor or middling marks for his first 100 days in office, including a plurality who say he's off to a ‘poor start,’ according to results from a brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.” [NBC News, 4/23/17]

USA Today: Trump, Pence allies rake in millions as new Washington lobbyists. “Former campaign aides, fundraisers and others with ties to President Trump and Vice President Pence have attracted dozens of new lobbying clients in Washington, raking in more than $2.2 million in lobbying fees in the first months of the administration, a USA TODAY analysis shows. [USA Today, 4/25/17]

  • President Trump has signed 13 Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions in his first 100 days, more than any other President. These resolutions nullified key consumer protections and will actively harm millions of Americans. These partisan attacks will limit women’s health care options,  undermine American workers, and endanger public health. unnecessary regulations and block agencies from reissuing them.
    • o   Since CRA resolutions were introduced under President Clinton, they’ve been used only once, under President George W. Bush.
  • ·         The Wall Street Journal editorial: “So far the Trump Administration is a welcome improvement, rolling back more regulations than any President in history.”

TAKING EXECUTIVE ACTION: In office, President Trump has accomplished more signed more harmful executive orders in his first 100 days than any other President since Franklin Roosevelt.

Then-Candidate Trump said repeatedly and on video he would NOT govern by executive order. That’s another broken promise.

Then-Candidate Donald Trump: “We don't want to continue to watch people signing executive orders because that was not what the Constitution and the brilliant designers of this incredible document had in mind. We need people that can make deals and can work, because right now in Washington there's total, absolute gridlock.” [CNN Presidential Debate via Washington Post, 3/10/16]

Then-Candidate Donald Trump: “I would build consensus with Congress and Congress would agree with me. I'll give you an example because I don't like the idea of using executive orders like our president. It is a disaster what he's doing.” [CBS Presidential Debate via Washington Post, 2/13/16]

Then-Candidate Donald Trump: “I don't like executive orders. That is not what the country was based on.” [CBS’ Face the Nation, 8/2/15]

  • President Trump will have signed 30 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Obama signed 19 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President George W. Bush signed 11 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Clinton signed 13 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President George H.W. Bush signed 11 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Reagan signed 18 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Carter signed 16 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Nixon signed 15 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Johnson signed 26 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Kennedy signed 23 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • President Eisenhower signed 20 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • o   President Truman signed 25 executive orders during his first 100 days.
    • o   President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed 9 executive orders during his first 100 days.

A SLOG OF LEGISLATION SIGNED: Despite historic Democratic obstructionism, President Trump has accomplished little through the legislative process worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any t President since Truman.

In fact, the Trump administration has no major legislative accomplishment. At this point, President Obama had already signed into law major legislation like the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Act. President Clinton had already signed the Family Medical Leave Act. And under President George W. Bush, the Republican Senate had already passed bipartisan campaign finance reform and bipartisan bankruptcy reform legislation. President Trump and this Republican Congress have no real accomplishments in this first 100 days.

  • President Trump has worked with Congress to enacted 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
    • President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
    • President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

